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Josephine Cabrall Naturopath Melbourne PCOS specialist.jpg
Josephine Cabrall Naturopath Melbourne PCOS specialist.jpg
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Josephine Cabrall Naturopath Melbourne PCOS specialist.jpg

Josephine Cabrall

Fertility & Reproductive Health Naturopath


Josephine Cabrall

Fertility & Reproductive Health Naturopath

Your Reproductive Health and Fertility Naturopath


I’m Josephine, my pro-nouns are she/her, and I am a degree-qualified clinical naturopath specialising in reproductive and hormonal health including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Preconception care

  • Infertility

  • IVF optimisation

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • Acne


  • Endometriosis, adenomyosis

  • Fibroids

  • Amenorrhoea, HA

  • Premature ovarian insufficiency

  • Pregnancy health

  • Post-partum care

  • Menopause, perimenopause, early menopause

  • Sperm health, male hormones

I give expert guidance on herbal medicine, nutrition and dietary strategies to help individuals and couples achieve their goals. Taking all of your health information into consideration, plus your test results, I seek to find the root cause of your challenges and implement an effective, individualised plan for you. I aim to work collaboratively with your other health professionals for your best care.

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Get the help that you need to manage this syndrome and be free from your symptoms


Get the help that you need to manage this syndrome and be free from your symptoms

Are you tired of struggling with polycystic ovarian syndrome?

PCOS is a syndrome, a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms. Syndromes can be confusing. You don’t have to have all of the symptoms to be diagnosed with PCOS and the underlying hormonal patterns may differ from person to person.

PCOS is deeply intertwined with metabolic function and insulin resistance. Dysregulated blood sugar hormones lead to imbalanced sex hormones and a range of symptoms appear according to genetic tendencies.

Diet and lifestyle (including weight loss) are supposed to be first line medical treatment for PCOS but often we just end up confused about what changes to make or why our efforts aren’t making a difference. Carrying excess weight impacts metabolic function making the condition worse but having the condition makes weight loss hard because insulin resistance blocks fat burning. It’s a catch 22. Yet, confusingly, not all women with PCOS carry excess weight and they may be left wondering if insulin resistance plays a role for them and how to shift it.

I can help you sort out the puzzle of what is going on inside your body as an individual with PCOS. This is the key to effective treatment strategies so that your efforts are more likely to finally pay off and you can have the clear skin, fertility and regular cycles you’ve been dreaming of.

Want to start beating PCOS now?

Free download

Start by eating a PCOS-friendly diet. Click the button to be taken to my free PCOS diet cheat sheet download. This super-quick to read and easy to understand guide can help you reduce your insulin resistance and PCOS symptoms in as little as 30 days.

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Fertility and IVF Support

You don’t have to go it alone

Fertility and IVF Support

You don’t have to go it alone

How naturopathy can help with infertility

Rates of infertility are increasing worldwide leaving many people searching for answers or guidance on how to improve their chances of conception.

The main 3 reasons rates of infertility are thought to be increasing are:

  1. Starting a family later in life - both egg and sperm quality decline with age, leading to decreasing chances of conception as we move into our 30s and 40s. Uterine fibroids or endometriosis also worsen as we age, interfering with fertility.

  2. Environment and endocrine disrupting chemicals - the are an abundance of endocrine disrupting chemicals in use every day and they now pervade our environment

  3. Lifestyle factors - including poor nutrition, excess weight, insufficient weight, smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs

As your fertility naturopath, I will assess the different factors impacting you and help you navigate the most effective natural treatments to optimise your outcomes. Then, I will help you to make the changes and choose the treatments that can make a significant difference for you as an individual. I always make sure you are receiving the medical care you need and aim to collaborate with your specialists and doctors for your best care. I am experienced, and trained to work safely alongside complex fertility diagnoses and treatments, and I believe a combined natural and medical approach is a very powerful thing.

When we improve our general health, we improve our fertility

You may already know the reasons that you are experiencing fertilty challenges or you may have been told your infertility is unexplained. Either way, we can do a comprehensive assessement of your general health and fix what we find. When we improve our general health, fertility improves because hormonal regulation, detox capacity and nutritional status improves, enhancing egg or sperm quality. This is how to positively impact both your fertility and the health of your future child.

If you have further questions about how a fertility naturopath can help you click the button below to book a free 10 minute chat with me.

What happens in the clinic?

Investigation is the key

What happens in the clinic?

Investigation is the key

I use lab testing, comprehensive case taking, scientific research and my own clinical experience to offer you the best options to improve your hormonal health, fertility and pregnancy health. This includes addressing your general health conditions such as gut, thyroid and nervous system as these all impact your hormonal health and fertility.

I test instead of guess to give us the fastest road to making real change. I look at test results through a different lens. I’m wanting to optimise your nutritional levels, not just save you from deficiency. I’m looking at your results to guide me as to which of my treatments will be the most effective for you.

Prescriptions may include herbal and nutritional medicines, dietary advice and lifestyle advice as tools to help you achieve your goals. Most importantly I want you to understand the why behind the changes I recommend. I will educate you to understand your health problems so that you have power over your own wellness and feel motivated to continue.

Click the button below to find out more about the services I offer and to make a booking.

What can I expect from naturopathic treatment?

Naturopathic care may require one appointment, a few or many, depending on the goals of treatment and how chronic your condition is. Becoming well with naturopathy requires active participation by you - if you aren't willing to make changes, it won't work. But don’t worry, I always endeavour to make changes achievable for you as an individual in the context of your life.

The first consultation always involves a comprehensive gathering of information about all aspects of your well-being to create a full picture of everything that is contributing to your current state of health. I’ll assess tests you’ve had done so far and further testing may be recommended, as appropriate. Treatment of your symptoms can start straight away, in most cases, while we work on discovering your root causes.

At return consultations I will review any test results, monitor your progress and make any changes needed to your prescription and plan. Depending on your needs and goals, follow-up consultations may be needed fortnightly, monthly or bi-monthly. I can work within your budget, designing a plan specifically for you.

Where can I access naturopathic medicines?

The medicines I prescribe to you are only of the highest quality, which means they really have an effect and are safe to use when appropriately prescribed by a qualified professional such as myself. You’ll need a prescription to access them but I’ll make it easy for you by transferring your prescription to an online dispensary where you can order what you need and have your order on your doorstep just days later.

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Bookings and services

Book online with Melbourne Naturopath Josephine Cabrall

Bookings and services

Book online with Melbourne Naturopath Josephine Cabrall

Free 10 Minute Discovery Call

These calls are an opportunity to meet, ask questions and get a sense of what it would be like to work together. Book using the button below.

Initial Naturopathic Consultation (New patients) 60-75mins

If you are ready to get started on your wellness journey, this option is for you. During this 75mins of ”you time” I will take a comprehensive look at all the contributing factors to your current state of health, recommend further testing if needed and get you started on the first steps to healing. Where appropriate, I will prescribe herbal and nutritional medicines to support your diet and lifestyle changes and get you seeing results faster. Book in below.

Return Naturopathic Consultation 30-45mins

Subsequent return consultations are for the review of the progression of treatment and fine-tuning.

How to book a naturopathic consult

I’m an online naturopath, so the clinic is virtual and sessions are Telehealth video or phone consults.

I work alongside the esteemed team of highly skilled naturopaths at RH: Reproductive Health, so bookings are via our website. Just click the button below to be taken directly to the bookings page.

Once you have selected the service you need, select my name from the practitioner dropdown box and you will be able to see my availabilities and select a time.

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